
PR Friendly

My name is Heather Kelly, and I am single mother of three children. My three children and I moved to southern Arizona.

We are always looking for products to review! I say "we" because my children help me review each and every product that we receive. We will be spending some time outside as well as playing inside too! We are looking to review camping products, cookbooks, all kinds of movies, children's TV shows/movies, board games, card games, puzzles, music, food, outdoor canopies, outdoor furniture, and more.

My twelve old daughter Chloe is in 7th Grade! My almost fourteen year old son Matthew is in 8th Grade, and my youngest daughter Hailey is nine years old and she's in 4th grade!

I am always on the lookout for new and exciting products to review and share with my readers and friends! If you are a business or company that would like to sponsor a review and/or giveaway on my blog, please contact me at mysticbutterfly37 at Thank you.

*Sponsored Product Reviews:
If you would like me to review a product, the product must be worth at least $30.00 or more (this doesn't include children's books and DVD's) Gift Cards must be worth $50.00 or more (most stores are in a mall about a half hour or more from my home). As this covers my review post and social media posts too, in exchange for me reviewing your product and website. Thank you.

*Sponsored Giveaway Posts (without any products to review):
The cost depends on if there's more than one link in the post and if you'd like to include links to your social media accounts and to other pages on your site. The price would range anywhere from $50.00 to $200.00 depending on the products and amount of links and social media shares that would be involved. Please email me at mysticbutterfly37 at for more information.

*Children's Books Reviews:
My children and I enjoy reviewing children's books! We will only do reviews of actual books (paperback or hardback), no eBooks, Digital or PDF copies please. I'm sorry. Children's books must be worth $10.00 or more, retail value, in exchange for one review post and shares on my other social media outlets. If you need more information, please email me at mysticbutterfly37 at

I DO NOT Review eBooks, Digital Books or PDF copies. ONLY Real Books! Sorry.

*Blog Post About Your Website or Company:
If you would like me to post about your website or products that you offer for sale on you website, please email me at mysticbutterfly37 at I do not post about websites or companies on my blog for Free. Thank you.

*Adding a link to a post for/about another company and their product(s) to someone else's paid for advertisement or blog post:
I will NOT ever add a link for another product or company to a post that I have created for someone else in the past. This is a dishonest thing to do, and I refuse to do that to my previous posts or to their companies advertisements. So please, Email me and ask me about creating a post for you and the company that you are working for, alone. A stand alone blog post and advertisement of it's own. So please, don't email me and ask me to do this. Thank you.

I will post about a Kickstarter campaign on my site for $75.00 via paypal or in exchange for a $75.00 gift code. Please let me know if this interests you!

Please email me for all other inquiries not included on this page. Thank you.

*Google Friend Connect: 2,021
*Facebook total: 1,755 (
*Twitter total: 5,383 (@AirDragonflies)
*Pinterest: 3,520 (Heather Kelly - Dragonflies37)
*Instagram: 1,535 (mysticbutterfly37)
*Unique Page Views: (according to google analytics): 3,608
*Pageviews (according to google analytics): 6,596