
Sunday, May 1, 2011

I got the Versitile Blogger award from How are the Harmons?!

Thank you so much to Tiffany at How are the Harmons?. I have been following her blog for a few months now, and I enjoy reading her posts when I have free time. Tiffany is s stay at home mom and she home schools her four children.

7 Things About Me:

1) I am a stay at home mom of two great and easy going children.

2) I spent four months in Hyderabad, India five years ago, and I have personally seen the Taj Mahal!

3) I love Starbucks. I love their specialty coffees, coffee cups, collectable bears, Christmas ornaments, etc.

4) I have been blogging for one whole year and four days, and I love it!

5) I have been to Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and I have been to The Anne Frank House and the Van Gogh Museum. (While there, we also ate dinner in a real English style pub!)

6) I hate yard work. I have pulling weeds, mowing and edging the lawn, trimming the bushes, etc. (And I am the crazy one who wants to start a garden next year and I will be the one taking care of it, ugg.)

7) I am a procrastinator. I don't like cleaning the house or doing laundry, but, I do it anyways, and I Hate it. I hope someday to be able to afford a housekeeper!

I'd like to pass this award on to a few of my new favorite blogs:

Oh So Savvy Mom

Tales of a Ranting Ginger (Canadian Blogger)

50Pluss Single BBW (Canadian Blogger)

Family Approve

Lucas's Journey with Sensory Processing Disorder

Totally Temberton

It's a Mom thing


  1. Thanks so much Heather! It things like this that make all the work worth it!

  2. Congratulations! Thank you for passing it my way :)

  3. AWE!!! Thank you so much for passing the word on about our weekend hop and especially for giving me an award!!

    You are such a sweetheart for thinking of me.

    Have a wonderful day and thank so much again!

    P.S. I didn't win the car : (

    Lucas's Journey w/SPD!/lucasjourneyspd

  4. Thanks for the award!! I was outside the Anne Frank house it looked so small from the outside. I never did go in. I hate housework too! LOL It isn't so much that I hate it. It is just boreing.
