
Monday, May 2, 2011

My daughter is sick...

I will do what I can the next few days. My 21 month old baby girl is sick (fever, runny/stuffy nose, coughing, sneezing, whiny). She just wants me to hold her, a lot, so this leaves little time to get online, including at night. If I you don't get your low entry giveaway post, I am sorry, I will do my best to get them to you. If not, then check the "Last Chance Giveaways" page, which I will try to update when I can. Thank you for understanding.

I have more reviews and reviews and giveaways to post for you too, but I don't have the time right now, family comes first.


  1. I hope your little one gets to feeling better soon! I'm sure it's hard to watch her suffer! Take all the time you need - your family DEFINITELY outranks blog updates! :)

  2. Praying your daughter is better soon! Family always should come first, so I completely understand! Look forward to hearing she's doing better and your future blog updates!
