Friday, January 6, 2012

I Don't Like the "NEW" Rafflecopter!!!

1) I don't like that people can't enter our giveaways unless they have a Facebook account. (Not all people who enter giveaways have a Facebook account.) 
I guess that I was wrong about that one, sorry.

2) The Date that the Giveaway Ends isn't stated clearly anymore. All that is listed is the number of days and hours till the giveaway ends. Now I have to look at a calender and calculate the number of days until it ends.

3) Bloggers are NOT listing the Exact Date that their Giveaways end. This makes it really hard for me and it's WAY more time consuming for me to add the days until it ends and to double check them a few days before they end to make sure that my calculations were correct, which lately, they haven't been.

4) Rafflecopter doesn't list who can enter the giveaways anymore. So no one knows if they can enter a giveaways if they are from the United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, or if everyone Worldwide can enter.

That is the end of today's rant. I really wish that everyone would list their giveaway end dates and if the giveaway ends THAT night, or at 12:01am EST on whatever date. So maybe list the giveaway as ending 1/10 at midnight, even if it ends actually at 12:01am EST on 1/11. That would be awesome for me, and make my job way more easier. Especially if you want me to find your giveaway and add it to my Daily "Low Entry Giveaways" post.

Then if you add who is eligible to enter your giveaway, that would be awesome too! Trust me, the sponsor WANTS you to ask them this information! They honestly don't mind telling you which country (countries) that they are willing to ship the prize to!

Now if everyone would do these things, It would make my work so much easier. (I don't feel that Rafflecopter needs to know some people's FB information, but I guess that's just me?)


  1. You don't have to have facebook to use the new rafflecopter. There is a link there to sign in without it.

  2. While we're on the topic of giveaways I have a question perhaps you may be able to answer for me. When I enter more than one giveaway at a blog I have already taken the entry for the first giveaway with the "Vote For Me" entry, am I still eligible for this entry on the second giveaway even though I can't revote but have already voted?

  3. MY pet peeve are the giveaways that REQUIRE TWITTER... I do not "Tweet", nor do I intend to open a Twitter acct. just to enter contests! I like the giveaways that say "1 entry for posting to FB OR Twitter... ( but that's just ME!)I think Twitter is a colossal waste of time... & who actually reads all those "Re-Tweets" anyway... ?!?!?!

  4. As one who both ebters and posts giveaways, I have to agree with you. I even voiced those opinions to Rafflecopter when they asked for them back before they made the switch.

    However, I think that the majority of these complaints can be directly addressed by those posting the giveaways. I always put the end date of my giveaways in the title of the blog post. When the giveaway ends at 12:01am, I make sure to make the end-date of the giveaway ONE DAY EARLIER> Why is this so hard for people to get?!?!?! Also, Rafflecopter offers a section, posted at the bottom of the Rafflecopter form, for you to include things like what country it's open to, any disclosures, etc. I always explicitly state when the giveaway ends, who can enter, how I will let the winner know they've won, and whether I received compensation for writing the review.

    It's not hard, people! Takes 30 seconds to write that stuff out.

    And, Heather, I can see how hard it must be for you to compile daily lists of low-entry giveaways! Maybe you could create a form for submissions for people to fill out with spaces for them to include all of the pertinent info?

  5. I also great with you Rant. I will try to keep in mind what you said when I post my numerous giveaways. Happy Weekend!

  6. I don't like that you can't see the bonus entries until you complete the mandatory one! But I do like no longer having to put in my name & email every time. Kind of a toss-up, I guess.

  7. I dont like it either.
    It has ms signed in under my facebook. and Im allways forgetting to leave a comment under it or on some blogs it doesnt let me type in my name for comment I have to use my google. I was just fine with the orginaly rafflecopter.

    I do undertand though they were just trying to make it easier.

  8. I think these rants are for the blogger posting the giveaway. I don't see how any of it is RC's fault? Blogger should list end date (and ohhhh i agree about the 12:01 thing) and who can enter.

  9. Oh thank goodness there are other like minds out there...I've also ranted to Rafflecopter about their "new" changes...I loathe them and the design is just UGH~!!

    Being from Canada, I wish EVERYONE would list their country requirements, a VERY large number of folks do NOT...I've won a few that were taken from me cuz the blog owner didn't list their requirements...most heart when I win, I'm always fretting to the point of nausea, wondering if I truly won or someone is going to tell me, UH OH...LOL~!!

  10. I'm not very fond of it either :(

    I do try to list at the bottom my "rules" for the giveaway... like if it's US only, 18 & older, how long they have to respond to the email, etc. I try to make sure to include all of that at the very bottom for everyone. It does still have the open box at the bottom for all that right? (I took a holiday break so I haven't used it in awhile lol). I didn't notice that it no longer listed an end date, just counts down. I think I'll start adding "this giveaway ends ___" along with everything else just to give everyone the visual of what day it does end.

  11. I feel ya!!

    I HATE that *IF* there is an end date posted, the giveaway sometimes ends early.

    I don't like that the new Rafflecopter doesn't allow me to put my name and email in. Now, IF I win something, the email goes to my family-only emails, and it throws me for a loop. It's crazy.

    I REALLLLLLY appreciate all the work you put into your daily low entry posts!


  12. It took me a while to figure out that I could enter without using Facebook too!
