
Friday, December 27, 2013

Low Entry Giveaways Ending Tonight, Friday 12/27

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters on Blu-Ray/DVD & Digital HD - U.S. - A Frugal Friend

Whispers of Hope - book - U.S. - Growing My Kids Reviews *RC

Yellow Pages Prize Pack (Black Cinch Bag, Flashlight, Tape Measure, Notepads, Pencils, USB Car Charger, and Gum) (@8pm CST) - Mom State of Mind *GT

"Love & Respect in the Family: The Respect Parents Desire, the Love Children Need", by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs - book (3 winners) - U.S. - Susan Heim on Parenting *RC

Flax Relax Eye Pillow and Body Wrap - U.S. - The Simple Moms *RC

Yo Gabba Gabba!: A Very Awesome Yo Gabba Gabba! Christmas DVD, Mike the Knight: Mike’s Christmas Surprise DVD, The Snowman and the Snowdog DVD - U.S. - The Simple Moms *RC

$25 Windows App Gift Card - U.S. - Our Knight Life *RC

Jewelry Grab Bag (2 winners) - Worldwide - The Picture Garden *RC

Giveaways With Over 200 Entries, but under 500:

Groovy gravy for dry pet food - U.S. - deanna time *RC

Fair Trade Coffee Set from World Vision - U.S. - Two Savvy Sisters *RC

Yomega Kendam Yo-Yo - U.S. - Momma D. Jane *RC

$25 GC to Feriko Design Etsy shop - Worldwide - Cheers to Novelty *RC

Carmex Limited Edition Lip Balms (4) - U.S. - The Attic Girl *RC

The Ultimate Life on Blu-Ray - U.S. - Dragonfly Sweetnest *RC

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