
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

#Giveaways - Low Entries, Wednesday 1/27!

Everyday Blend: Cycle Ease, Dream: Calming Nighttime Sugar Scrub, and Dream: Relaxing Massage Oil (@3pm CST) - U.S. - Giveaways 4 Mom *GT

Kung Fu Panda 3 and Yogurtland Prize - Yogurtland Gift Card (Valued at $25), Kung Fu Panda 3 Activity Set and Chopsticks - U.S. - The Mommy Factor *RC

Love Finds You In Charm DVD (3 Winners) - U.S. - Stephany's Sweet Life *GL

Set of Mouse Scouts Bk1 & Bk2 - U.S. - The Hiding Spot *RC

$25 Gordmans Gift Card - U.S. - Blending Family *RC

The Plans I Have for You Devotional - U.S. - Mama's Coffee Shop Blog *RC

Over 250 Entries:
Chuck E. Cheese's Guest Pass (@1pm) - U.S. - The Soccer Mom Blog *GT

Running Belt (in color of winner’s choice) - U.S. - Running with SD Mom *RC

Captive DVD - All 50 U.S. States/CAN - Try It-Like It *RC

The Artisans & The Perilous Journey of the Not so Innocuous Girl - Ebook (3 Winners) - Susan Heim on Writing *RC

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