
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Saturday 1/2, Low Entry Giveaways!

Family 4 Pack of tickets to the Nashville Boat Show (2 Winners) (@12pm CST) - In or around Nashville, TN - From Downriver to Downright Country *GT

“One Year of Dinner Table Devotions and Discussion Starters: 365 Opportunities to Grow Closer to God as a Family” book by Nancy Guthrie (@12pm CST) - U.S. - Meal Planning Mommies *GT

Disney Imagicademy Bundle (Activity Books and Storymation Studio Stop Motion Movie Kit) - U.S. - A Frugal Friend

Black & Blue Statement Necklace: Threads Worldwide Cam Necklace (@8pm MST) - U.S. - Sweet & Sauer

Monster Jam Family 4 pack of Tickets, Saturday, January 16th at 7:00p.m. performing at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa - FL - Everyday Ramblings *RC

Over 250 Entries:
"With Every Breath" by Lia Riley - book (10 Winners) - U.S. - Bookhounds *RC

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