Monday, May 12, 2014

Are You Receiving My Daily Emails?

If your not receiving my emails, please let me know with a comment below, or email me at airplanesanddragonflies37 at

Feedburner, which is who usually sends out daily emails from my blog, is refusing to send messages through to people with Yahoo email addresses. I forget why this is, but it's super annoying.

I would be more than happy to put together a list on my email, and send daily emails out to you, personally. I can also send them to you from my airplanesanddragonflies37 at gmail, email address! This way, you will know how they are coming from!

Please let me know how I can help you!

OR you can Re-Subscribe to my daily emails with a new email address, as long as it's not through yahoo!

Heather K.


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