Saturday, March 7, 2015

Saturday 3/7, Low Entry Giveaways! #giveaway #win (Happy Birthday To Me!)

Crystal Wash - U.S. - 4 kids and Frantic *Tom

Berry Sleepy (the #1 fruit-based natural sleeping aid) - U.S. - Daisy's Reviews Blogs *RC

$10 Starbucks GC - U.S. - Money Saving Secrets

Escapes - Music for Relaxing (MP3 Album, 2 winners) - Worldwide - Dividing by Zero *GL

Two month supply of Fibolica - U.S. - Hunka Hunka Burning Reviews *GL

$10 gift certificate to Family Christian Stores - U.S. - Something 2 Offer *RC

Giveaways With Over 180 Entries, but under 500:
Max & Erma's $25 gift card (2 winners) (@10:59pm CST) - Main 48 U.S. States - Luv Saving Money *GT

Beyond the Lights on Blu-Ray - U.S. - Heck of a Bunch *RC

CLEARinse Nasal Cleaning System - U.S. - Reviews, Chews & How-Tos *RC

Groovy Green Glass pendant ($35) - U.S. - ReFab Diaries *RC

Sofia the First Prize Pack - U.S. - Enza's Bargains *RC

Five Simply Juice Drink coupons, 1 glass juice carafe, 1 set of Essential Highball Glassware and a $50 AmEx GC - U.S. - A Frugal Friend

Friday, March 6, 2015

Road Trip Checklist - Febreze Car Vent Clips ($25 Walmart GC #Giveaway!) (U.S.) Ends 3/18 #FebrezeCar @SheSpeaksUp

When are you most likely to get assaulted by odors during the day? In our home or vehicles, it's our dogs that stink up the place the most. We have to change their blankets frequently to keep the smells down. There's no smell in this world quite like the smell of wet dog!

I've also had my children throw up in my truck a few times, and the smell was horrible. Having to drive for a half hour or more with the smell of vomit in my truck, is not my idea of fun.

Do you like to take Road Trips?

We love to take Road Trips driving with our three children from Tennessee to southern California. We take this trip once a year or once every other year. We even purchased a travel trailer so that we go travel without having to pay for a hotel every night. Below is a Road Trip Checklist that we go by every time before we take a trip somewhere.

Road Trip Checklist:
1) Road Flares
Just in case you break down, make sure you have some Road Flares.

2) Cell phone chargers
Because you need to keep them charged up, in case you need to call for assistance.

3) Bottled water (12-24 pack)
In case you get stuck some place and because it saves money on drinks instead of paying for sodas if you stop for fast food!

4) Blankets in your vehicle
In case you end up having to spend the night in your car, you want to make sure that everyone has a least one blanket to cover up with for the night. Plus, on road trips, children like to keep a blanket over their laps and to use when napping in the car! It makes them feel more at home.

5) Extra Snacks
Such as boxes of cereal, a loaf of bread, small container of peanut butter and jelly, pack or two of cookies (need to keep your blood sugar up), and of course, water. We keep all of this inside of our travel trailer.

6) Travel Games, books, coloring books
Things to keep yourselves busy on the long trip to where your going.

7) Portable Electronics & DVD's
Portable DVD players (one for each child, if you can), a Tablet or two to play games on, handheld game systems, MP3 players, etc.

8) NEW toys, games, activity books for your children to do in the car, at the hotel, or in the travel trailer during your road trip.

9) Toiletries
Toilet paper, paper towels, plastic grocery bags (for trash and diapers), ziplock bags, shampoo, conditioner, bar or two of soap, towels, wash clothes, toothbrushes, tooth paste, brushes, etc.

10) Most of all, we take along a few Febreze Car Vent Clips
In case of vomiting children or gassy spouses! Purchase your Febreze Car Vent Clips at Walmart to take freshness on the go with you! Febreze Vent Clips helps you to take the comfort of a fresh-smelling home on the road.

How can a fresh car improve your day? I bet as our children get older, having a Febreze Car Vent Clip in our vehicle will make running our children around a lot more pleasant. Make sure to attach a Febreze Vent Clip to your passenger vents for your backseat guests! Febreze Car Vent Clips last up to 30 days! Make sure to add a “smell check” to your monthly car checkups!

Buy a single Febreze Vent Clip at Walmart and get one FREE! This offer was in the Sunday paper on 3/1 brandSAVER insert. You can also print out a $.75 off coupon online!

Enter below for a chance to Win a $25 Walmart Gift Card to purchase your own Febreze Car Vent Clips! Giveaway open to residents in the main 48 continental United States only, 18 years of age or older.

Disclosure: I received some Febreze Car Vent Clips, board game, and more from Walmart, Febreze and in exchange for my post.

Love Is Forever - Children's Book (Helps To Reassure Children That Love Survives Loss) #Review and #Giveaway! (U.S.) Ends 3/22

Love is Forever is an uplifting new book that reassures children that love survives loss. No matter our age, we all struggle when faced with the loss of a loved one. This difficult and heart wrenching time can be especially challenging for children who might be experiencing loss for the first time.

In her tender and reassuring new children’s book Love Is Forever, Casey Rislov shares how Little Owl and her family cope with the death of their beloved Grandfather Owl by sharing memories and keeping love alive in the present and in the future.

Accompanied by soft and endearing illustrations that portray the joy of remembering shared activities like fishing and flying kites together, this gentle and wise book told from the perspective of Grandfather Owl shows adults and children that love survives loss.

In addition to giving caregivers and children a beautiful way to begin talking about loss, Rislov provides additional resources and information at the back of the book from professionals who work with children and families experiencing grief.

She comments, "I wrote this book because I felt like there were few children’s books that addressed this important topic. Losing my brother when he was two years old and more recently my mother is easier to handle when I remember that we do carry their love inside of us."

She adds, "Laughter and tears are much better than the cold empty silence of missing a loved one."

For her efforts, Love Is Forever received the 2014 Gold Medal in the Living Now Book Awards in the Children’s Picture Book category.

About the Author:
Casey Rislov holds a master’s degree in elementary education and is endorsed in early childhood and special needs. She taught for many years at a local developmental preschool and currently stays home with her two young children. Casey’s first book, Time Together, Time Well Spent! (November 2011), allowed her to share her love of reading and teaching with many local students. She is excited to now share a tender side of herself through her new book "Love Is Forever." Casey lives with her family in Wyoming, where she enjoys spending time in the mountains, downhill skiing, boating, water skiing, and of course reading and writing.

My Review:
Love is Forever is a super cute book. Even if your children haven't lost a loved one yet, or if they have lost a close pet, this book would be perfect for them to teach your children that their pets and loved ones will live on in their hearts long after they are gone. The illustrations are beautifully done. My children liked listening to me, their mother, reading this book to them. I spent four and a half days in the hospital recently due to a bad case of Group A Strep, it could have been deadly. I didn't know if I was coming home or not. I could only hope that if I had passed away, that my husband would have read this book to our three children. As it would have comforted them even if I wasn't able to be there for them anymore. My five and a half year old daughter and I spoke after I read this book to her and her siblings, and she told me that when I was in the hospital, it was as if I had died, and she was really sad.

My daughter liked the way that the book explained to her that I would still live on in her heart and in her memories of me. But she was glad that I came back home, and so am I. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for me following my intuition and having my husband take me to the emergency room to find out what was going on with me. Always follow your inner voices, as they might be right when you don't feel well.

There is also a section in the back of the book with some answers and questions for parents about those who have passed away! I believe that most children ages four and up are ready to attend a funeral of a loved one. They need grieve just like we do.

Love is Forever is available for purchase on and on!

Enter below using the Rafflecoper form for a chance to Win your own copy of "Love is Forever!" Giveaway open to residents in the main 48 continental United States only, 18 years of age or older. One entrant per household please.

Disclosure: I received a copy of Love is Forever in exchange for my review post. No other compensation was exchanged or received.

Friday 3/6, Low Entry Giveaways! #win #giveaway

Mandala Sterling Silver Earrings and Saddle ring (ARV $150) (@10:59pm CST) - U.S. - Makobi Scribe *GT

Natural Scrubs and Soaps from It's The Balm (4oz. jar of Lavender Body Scrub, 4oz. jar of Citrus Sugar Scrub, 8oz. bottle of Lavender Foaming Body Wash and a 8oz. bottle of Fresh Citrus Foaming Hand Soap ($34 Value) (@11pm CST) - All 50 U.S. States - From Downriver to Downright County *GT

Baby Comfy Nose nasal aspirator - U.S. - Itzybellababy *RC

One year subscription to American Greetings E-Cards With Michael Bolton - U.S. - Networking Witches *RC

CLIQUE by Roble’ Fragrance Set (Full size 1.7 ounce fragrance, Full size 6.7 oz Shower Gelee', CLIQUE fragrant nail lacquer and a Thank you gift) - U.S. - Rockin' It Napptural *RC

Giveaways With Over 180 Entries, but under 500:
Dunkin Donuts Refill Travel Mug Prize (Two Dunkin’ Donuts Refill Travel Mugs, $25 Dunkin’ Donuts mGift, One Pound of Original Blend Coffee, Two Dunkin’ Donuts T-Shirts and One Dunkin’ Donuts Umbrella) - U.S. - The Mommy Factor *RC

A Beautiful Bridal Robe from A Girl With a Serious Dream - U.S. - Bridal Musings *RC

Nat Geo Sponsored Cesar 911 Dog Collar - U.S. - Enza's Bargains *RC

Purex PowerShot Free Product Coupon (3 Winners) - U.S. - Clair's Freebies *RC

10-ct GoGargle! product & $20 CVS GC - U.S. - A Frugal Friend

Microbiome Plus Heart & Probiotics - All 50 U.S. States - 30 Something Mom *RC

WashGuard - Lingerie Bag - U.S. - Nesca's Nook *GL

HealthySole Unit Prize Pack (HealthySole Unit, one Charger, 2 Lamps (preinstalled) and 1 Child’s Template) - U.S. - OMG Goodies *RC

’Animal Helpers: Raptor Centers’ Children’s Book - U.S. - Heck of a Bunch *RC

Thursday, March 5, 2015

ELEMENTS For Girls, A Fun & Engaging Self-Discovery Project - Book Review!

"ELEMENTS for girls, A Fun & Engaging Self-Discovery Project" book, written by Mary Ellen Young and Sandra McDonnell, is a self-discovery workbook for pre-teen girls. It's great for them to learn about themselves, their friendships and what their lives will be after Jr. high high and high school. ELEMENTS for girls is a workbook to help pre-teen girls learn about themselves and to teach them to value who they are and who they will become. My five and a half year old daughter was excited that when she is older, this book will be for her! I hope that she finds her true self and figures out what is important to her when she decides she's ready to go through this book on her own. I can't wait to see what she'll learn about herself!

ELEMENTS For Girls is a fun workbook with lots of information presented in a non-threatening way. Pre-Teens will be open to checking it out, and reading what it has to say, along with discovering who they really are, and who they need to be as young women. I wish that there was a workbook like this around for me when I was around twelve years old. It would of helped me to discover more about myself, and who I was.

The life of a preteen girl has changed dramatically in the span of just one generation. Where 20 years ago, girls spent time curled up in their rooms, reading a book, talking on the phone or listening to music. Today's girls literally hold their music, books and social lives in the palms of their hands.

What does this shift to a digital world mean?

For today's girls, whose second language is "download," it's essential to be intentional - to not let the real be displaced by the virtual. Parents need to be diligent in helping girls find and take time to be quietly introspective. If girls fill their days with texts of 144 characters or less and Snapchats that last for less than 10 seconds, it's difficult for them to hear their authentic voice and to cultivate their authentic selves.

ELEMENTS for Girls - A Fun & Engaging Self-Discovery Project, provides a way for girls to slow down, disconnect from technology and connect with their authentic self. Each of the book's 10 chapters invites girls to read, reflect, create and complete interesting and introspective activities while exploring themes such as feelings, self-acceptance, empathy, decision making and communications. The theme of self-care is woven throughout the book in sections on sleep, healthy eating and stress management. Integral to the concept is a bracelet that girls create as they work their way through the book. The beads are a fun, visual reminder of what is learned in the book, which provides girls a way to reinforce healthy, positive habits and skills.

The section on empathy allows girls to work through real-life examples of how to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. “Developing empathy is a critical skill in reducing bullying and building healthy relationships,” according to Young, a bullying consultant and speaker on relational aggression. “A cute flip flop is the bracelet charm for this section, and serves as a reminder for the girls to put themselves in each other’s shoes. It is our goal to create a reminder for our girls so that when the temptation is there to throw out their arm and save a seat, instead they will look at their wrist, think about what it feels like to be that girl standing there, and make room.”

Many girls had a hand in development of the concept for the book and bracelet project. Focus groups were held with local girls who subsequently completed two sample chapters at home. “Their insight was key. We were motivated by how much they loved the concept,” said McDonnell.

“Girls benefit greatly from opportunities for personal reflection and self-awareness,” says McDonnell who is also the current HGNA president. The project was a creative family affair with Young and McDonnell’s three high school- and college-aged daughters playing key roles. Sierra Young, a talented artist, created all the original doodle art, Nora Young inserted her keen sense of style into the book and bracelet designs, and Emma McDonnell researched and selected “the coolest beads” she could find.

The book comes with a kit to make the bracelet with beads that represent the theme of each chapter. The book and bracelet, priced at $24.99, are available at online at and on at for only $20.12.

Disclosure: I received a copy of the book, "Elements for girls" in exchange for my post. No other compensation was exchanged or received.

World Water Day, March 22, 2015! #Giveaway! (U.S.) Ends 3/15 #WorldVision @WorldVisionUSA #WaterEffect #WaterNow

Water is a necessary resource for sustainable living, yet 748 million people lack access to clean water – the equivalent of nearly two and a half times the United States population. To address this crisis and to acknowledge water’s essential presence on the earth, the United Nations General Assembly declared March 22 as World Water Day in 1993.

The blue umbrella, sporting World Vision’s logo and a call to save lives with water, serves as a practical reminder that rainwater is considered a precious resource for people that lack established water systems.

From the World Vision Gift Catalog, the Royal Silk Scarf is made with luxurious silk, using Fair-Trade practices. The blend of soft colors emulates the purifying qualities of water and the vibrant life that it sustains.

Take a look at World Vision’s YouTube channel and clean water video above for an inside look at the impact of the water crisis in one girl’s life.

Read the report  Even after 20 years, 80% of World Vision wells — significantly higher than industry standard — are still operational in Ghana. (click to make it bigger, or go here to see it larger)

World Vision Facebook page at WorldVision
Twitter at @WorldVisionUSA
#WaterEffect and #WaterNow

Enter below using the Rafflecopter form for a chance to Win your own Blue and White Umbrella and beautiful, Royal Watercolor Silk Scarf. (Open to residents in the main 48 continental United States only. Must be 18 years of age or older to enter. Only one entrant per household.) Giveaway Ends on Sunday, March 15th, 2015.

Disclosure: I received an Umbrella and Scarf in exchange for my post. No other compensation was exchanged or received.

Thursday 3/5, Low Entry Giveaways! #win #giveaway

Two Bullet Filigree Heart Necklace ($35 value) (@10:59pm CST) - U.S. - Makobi Scribe *GT

Beyond the Lights Blu-Ray - U.S. - Clair's Freebies *RC

ReSqueeze Pouch - U.S. - Poofy Cheeks *RC

American Girl - Samantha’s Outdoor Serving Set - U.S. - American Girl Ideas *RC

Aubrey Organics Age Defying Moisturizer - U.S. - Little House Living *RC

Frankie & Lulu Bluebird Rattle - U.S. - Happily Ever Parker *RC

Sofia the First Curse of Poison Ivy DVD - U.S. - Disney Insider Tips *RC

Giveaways With Over 180 Entries, but under 500:

The Berenstain Bears' Please & Thank You Book (@9pm) - U.S. - Primitive Gypsy *GT

Bottle of Pure Argon Oil (@10:59pm CST) - All 50 U.S. States - Luv Saving Money

Telic Footwear (3 Winners) - U.S. - Hanging Off The Wire *RC

Ageless Derma Anti-Aging Neck Lift and Firm Cream - U.S. - Mommy on the Money *RC

Dee and Doo Potty Training Game - U.S. - The NapTime Reviewer *RC

Bottle of Body Merry Pro- A Serum - U.S. - Special Footprints *RC

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Marvel’s "AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON" Movie Trailer And Posters! #Avengers #AgeOfUltron

Genre: Action-Adventure
Rating: TBD
U.S. Release date: May 1, 2015

Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Don Cheadle, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Cobie Smulders, Stellan Skarsgård with James Spader and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury

Writer/Director: Joss Whedon

Producer: Kevin Feige, p.g.a.

Executive Producers: Louis D’Esposito, Alan Fine, Victoria Alonso, Jeremy Latcham, Patricia Whitcher, Stan Lee, Jon Favreau

Marvel Studios presents “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” the epic follow-up to the biggest Super Hero movie of all time. When Tony Stark tries to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program, things go awry and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye, are put to the ultimate test as the fate of the planet hangs in the balance. As the villainous Ultron emerges, it is up to The Avengers to stop him from enacting his terrible plans, and soon uneasy alliances and unexpected action pave the way for an epic and unique global adventure.

Marvel’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron” stars Robert Downey Jr., who returns as Iron Man, along with Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Mark Ruffalo as Hulk and Chris Evans as Captain America. Together with Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow and Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, and with the additional support of Don Cheadle as James Rhodes/War Machine, Cobie Smulders as Agent Maria Hill, Stellan Skarsgård as Erik Selvig and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, the team must reassemble to defeat James Spader as Ultron, a terrifying technological villain hell-bent on human extinction. Along the way, they confront two mysterious and powerful newcomers, Pietro Maximoff, played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and Wanda Maximoff, played by Elizabeth Olsen and meet an old friend in a new form when Paul Bettany becomes Vision.

Written and directed by Joss Whedon and produced by Kevin Feige, p.g.a., Marvel’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron” is based on the ever-popular Marvel comic book series “The Avengers,” first published in 1963. Get set for an action-packed thrill ride when The Avengers return in Marvel’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron” on May 1, 2015.

Website and Mobile site:

Tickets on Sale:

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Disney-Pixar's "Inside Out" Comes Out June 19, 2015! #InsideOut

Director: Pete Docter

Co-Director: Ronnie del Carmen

Producer: Jonas Rivera

From an adventurous balloon ride above the clouds to a monster-filled metropolis, Academy Award®-winning director Pete Docter (“Monsters, Inc.,” “Up”) has taken audiences to unique and imaginative places. In Disney•Pixar’s original movie “Inside Out,” he will take us to the most extraordinary location of all—inside the mind.

Growing up can be a bumpy road, and it's no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her emotions – Joy (Amy Poehler), Fear (Bill Hader), Anger (Lewis Black), Disgust (Mindy Kaling) and Sadness (Phyllis Smith). The emotions live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley’s mind, where they help advise her through everyday life. As Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco, turmoil ensues in Headquarters. Although Joy, Riley's main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive, the emotions conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house and school.

Like INSIDE OUT on Facebook:

Follow INSIDE OUT on Twitter:

Follow INSIDE OUT on Instagram: @PixarInsideOut

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INSIDE OUT opens in theatres everywhere on June 19th!

Wednesday 3/4, Low Entry Giveaways! #win #giveaway

PK16 - 8GB Digital Picture Keeper (@10:59pm CST) - U.S. - Makobi Scribe *GT

2015 Chinese New Year calendar produced by McDonald’s that features illustrations by Asian artists - U.S. - Bicultural Mama *RC

The Song on DVD - U.S. - Enza's Bargains *RC

CapMundo Nespresso Coffee Capsules - U.S. - Paulams *Tom

Vita Advanced Probiotics - U.S. - Better on a Budget *GL

Four Tickets to Day out with Thomas in Essex, CT on May 2 at 2:15PM - Inspired by Savannah *RC

Giveaways With Over 180 Entries, but under 500:
BabyLit children's book (@9pm CST) - U.S. - Primitive Gypsy *GT

Blueberry Cove 1 Month Subscription Box (@9pm CST) - US/CAN - Primitive Gypsy *GT

Cap'Mundo Yrgacheffe Espresso - All 50 U.S. States - Dividing by Zero *GL

Zoey to the Max on DVD - U.S. - Susan Heim on Parenting *RC

10" Hotel Spa Rainfall Shower Head - U.S.- The Color Wheel *GL

Anti-Aging Neck Lift and Firm Cream (Retail $42) - U.S. - Susan Said... *RC

Paperback copy of "The Headmaster's Wife," by Thomas Christopher Greene - All 50 U.S. States/CAN - Books I Think You Should Read *RC

Two Silly Billyz Bibs - U.S. - My Life As Karen *RC

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Wordless Wednesday! Snow Day Fun! 3/4

Tuesday 3/3, Low Entry Giveaways! #win #giveaway

“Black bag” Best Ingredients for Best Results chocolate chips - US/CAN - Kosher Scoop

Cashmere Cases with 3 L. Condoms - U.S. - PippaLoves *RC

Giveaways With Over 180 Entries, but under 500:
Lalaloopsy Ponies: The Big Show DVD (@11pm CST) - U.S. - So Simply Stephanie *GT

Zoology Book for kids with 21 Activities - All 50 U.S. States - 30 Something Supermom *RC

DrainWig - U.S. -Mommy's Gone Crazy *RC

Berenstain Bears' Please and Thank You Book - U.S. - Save Green Being Green *RC

Personalized Easter bundle ({1} divided plate, {1} sippy cup and {1} carrot plate) - U.S. - Houston City Moms Blog *RC

Personalized children's book “God Whispered Your Name” - U.S. - grace for moms *RC

One Bag of Hemp Hearts - CAN/US - Pretty Little Grub *RC

Owl Pendant Necklace (ARV: $19.99) - U.S. - A Day in Andrea's Shoes *RC

Monday, March 2, 2015

VeggieTales: Noah's Ark #Review And #Giveaway! (U.S.) Ends 3/15 #VeggieMoms #VeggieTales #VeggieFans #VTNoah

In Noah's Ark, Shem and Sadie (Jaci Velasquez) return home from their honeymoon to find that Noah (played by Pa Grape) has begun, at God's direction, to work on a massive ark, which his wife Naamah (played by Madame Blueberry) and sons Ham (Larry) and Japheth (Bob) are helping construct before the start of 40 days and 40 nights of rain.

But Shem doesn't understand Noah's unshakable faith in God, particularly when animals start arriving two-by-two - while the rain is nowhere to be seen. When the deluge does come, Shem begins to understand Noah's determination to preserve humanity's future... and the importance of trusting in God.

Noah's Ark also features a brand new "Silly Songs With Larry" segment, in which Larry dons a safari outfit as he goes on a quest for a gigantic, golden egg.

The Grammy nominated and multi-Emmy award-winning host of one of TV's most famous shows, Let's Make a Deal, and star of Whose Line Is It Anyway, Wayne Brady, brings to life Noah's son Shem, who first questions, then learns to embrace, his father's direction from God. Wayne Brady also performs seven original songs in Noah's Ark.

My Review:
This VeggieTales movie was more musical then the ones that I've seen in the past. It felt like everything that happened in the story was sung about. Little children will love it. My five and a half year old daughter asked if we could watch it again! Older children around six to seven may not be that into it. I love the story of Noah's Ark, and this one followed closely to the story in the bible, but with it's own Veggie twist of course. The animals are also super cute! Yes, the Ark looks like an orange slice!

I wasn't completely fond of one of the character's comment at the end of the movie that said that God told them to go forth and multiply. Then one of the characters asked what that meant. The other character then told him that she would explain it to him later. So it opened up the conversation about what that meant, because my five and a half year old daughter asked me about it. My seven and two and a half year old didn't even notice. I explained to her that it meant for them to have babies. She was fine with that explanation.

VeggieTales: Noah's Ark is now available to purchase at a retailer near you!

There are many Noah's Ark Coloring pages, recipes like the one above, a matching game, a craft, a family discussion guide, and more at

Don't forget to check out VeggieTales in the House on Netflix!

Enter below using the Rafflecopter form for a chance to Win your own copy of "VeggieTales: Noah's Ark" on DVD! Giveaway open to residents of the main 48 continental United States only, 18 years of age or older. No P.O. Boxes. Giveaway ends at midnight on 3/15/2015.

Disclosure: I received a copy of VeggieTales: Noah's Ark in exchange for my review post. No other compensation was received or exchanged. 

Winners of Two Recent Giveaways Are:

Winner of The Tom And Jerry Show Season 1, Part 2: Funny Side Up DVD is: Kelly McGrew

Winner of the LEGO Justice League Vs Bizarro League Blu-ray & Batzarro LEGO minifigure is: Michelle Tucker

Monday 3/2, Low Entry Giveaways! #win #giveaway

AquaFarm from EarthEasy (@9pm CST) - U.S. - Hobbies on a Budget *GT

Small Daisy Pack of wax melts in winner's choice of scent from Burning Desire (@10pm CST) - Main 48 U.S. States - From Downriver to Downright Country *GT
Zim’s Vapor Rub - U.S. - Hanging Off The Wire *RC

Patchology Energizing Eye Kit - U.S. - Feather Pixels *GT

VeggieTales Noah’s Ark DVD - U.S. - A Blog For My Mom *RC

Giveaways With Over 180 Entries, but under 500:
Balance Project Prize Package (Balance Bar tote bag, notepad, iPhone card holder and Balance Bars) (@10:59pm CST) - U.S. - Nicole's Nickels *GT

Lalaloopsy Ponies: The Big Show DVD (@11pm CST) - U.S. - So Simply Stephanie *GT
Framesi Biogenol Design Spray (10 oz) - U.S. - Networking Witches *RC

Mason Jar Infuser - U.S. - OMG Goodies *RC

Hurbany Earnest Medium Hobo Bag - U.S. - OMG Goodies *RC

The Berenstain Bears' Please & Thank You Book - US/CAN - Susie's Reviews and Giveaways *RC

Beauty Infusion Collagen Drink Mix - U.S. - Nesca's Nook *RC

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday 3/1, Low Entry Giveaways! #win #giveaway

TREASURE HUNT: a children's adventure about true value (Lady Jenniviere's Quill series Book 4) (@6pm CST) - U.S. - Freebies, Reviews & Giveaways *GT

Baby Comfy Nose Nasal Aspirator (@7pm CST) - U.S. - Freebies, Reviews & Giveaways *GT

Four children's DVD's (@8pm CST) - U.S. - My OKC Mommy

LEGO: DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League (Blu-ray+DVD+Digital HD UltraViolet Combo Pack) (@8pm CST) - U.S. - My OKC Mommy

Evenflo Platinum 3-in-1 Carrier (@8pm CST) - U.S. - My Springfield Mommy

Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Power of Forgiveness (3 Winners) (@8pm CST) - U.S. - My Springfield Mommy

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Hope & Miracles (3 Winners) (@8pm CST) - U.S. - My Springfield Mommy

I Love You To The Moon and Back necklace, Silver Stamped (@10:59pm CST) - U.S. - Makobi Scribe *GT

LeSportsac Shoulder Bag - U.S. - gaynycdad

Disney Villains Jigsaw Puzzle w/ 100 Pieces - U.S. - gaynycdad

LeapFrog Letter Factory Adventures: Amazing Word Explorers DVD + Digital - U.S. - gaynycdad

Julius Jr.: Pirates and Superheroes DVD - U.S. - gaynycdad

Lalaloopsy: Festival of Sugary Sweets DVD - U.S. - gaynycdad

Transformers Robots in Disguise Bumblebee Figure - U.S. - gaynycdad

Beessentials Natural Lavender Soaps, Lotion, Lip Balm - All of U.S./CAN - Art of Natural Living

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LEGO: DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League (Blu-ray+DVD+Digital HD UltraViolet Combo Pack) - U.S. - Save Green Being Green *RC

Hardcover copy of "The Thickety: The Whispering Trees," by J.A. White (The Thickety #2) - All 50 U.S. States - Books I Think You Should Read *RC

Barbie: Princess Power on Blu-Ray/DVD Combo pack (9 winners) - U.S. - Eclectic Momsense *GT

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