$50 Agoo Shopping Spree Giveaway on The Budget Mommy
Check out Agoo4u.com to see what they sell. I own a pair of Agoo Leg Huggers, they are so cute and made 100% of Bamboo!
Go and "LIKE" Stride Rite on Facebook, then click on their Sweepstakes Tab. There are 2 Giveaways going on right now. One of a pair of Stride Rite shoes for your kiddo, and another one for a pair of Robeez shoes for your infant or toddler!
Giveaway for an Apron from Netty's Knits (& Other Things) on Sarah's Deals
Review and Giveaway: Easy Lunchboxes for Back to School on Grand Giveaways!
Giveaway: Splenda Prize Package and Help Meals On Wheels on Kelly's Lucky You!
Giveaway: Kroger $25 GiftCard with Add Up the Savings! on the Mommy Octopus! (ends 8/13)
Yo Gabba Gabba DVD and CD Giveaway on The Trials of Big J & Little J! (ends 8/28)