Wednesday, March 28, 2012

5 Things I worry about raising my son and Worries For My Son's Future...

Today I came upon an article someone shared on Facebook called "5 things I worry about raising a boy." It got me thinking that while I may have normal worries of most parents with little boys, but I have more.

I have the same worries that other moms do, and more. My son Matthew is 4 1/2 and has some behavioral issues. We are working on it, but it's slow going. He is talking back, telling his sister to do things that we tell her not to, and his anger sometimes, it out of control. I feel like a bad mom because of his behavior, even though I know that I have very little to do with the way he acts. He likes to tease her too, and I don't like teasing. I have started to punish him for it, since doing it to him, he just laughs and thinks it's funny. So he doesn't understand yet that he can hurt other people's feelings by teasing them.

He has sensor integration disorder and possibly asperger's. He is currently in special ed PreK. I worry about him being able to attend school normally with other children, or he will have to attend a special ed kindergarten next year. His birthday is ONE day from the cut off day, but because he is attending PreK and because he is very book smart, they feel that going to kindergarten is the best solution for him. Social wise and book smart wise, he is ready, but his behavior and understanding of other people's emotions, could hold him back. He knows the alphabet, colors most kids don't know (black, white, peach, apricot, lavender, grey, and more, and his shapes (including oval, diamond, octagon, rectangle, hexagon, and a few others that I didn't knew that he knew about). He can count to 40 now, and recognizes numbers up to 40. We are working on addition and subtraction physically, not on paper, as to show him what addition and subtraction is before trying to get him to work on it on paper. He does puzzles really well and he recognizes patterns and how to put things in the correct pattens. He is already spelling 3 and 4 letter words. Most kids his age, from other parents around me with their children, can't do this. (If your child can, that's awesome!) He can also spell his own name! I just learned this today!

But I have more than the normal worries for my son that not all other parents have. I just want him to be able to attend school with normal children his age. This is my current goal for him, but if he ends up in special Ed kindergarten, then I am alright with that too. Then maybe, he will be able to attend a normal first grade class, and so on! A parent like me, with a child like Matthew, can only hope that he will learn to better fit in, and not have so many anger issues, not be so stubborn, and to not get so frustrated about the little things.


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