Friday, June 8, 2012

I Am Almost 34 Weeks Pregnant!

It has gone by SO fast. But it's a good thing, as I am really ready to be done being pregnant. I have A LOT of pain and pressure, braxton hicks contractions, real contractions, heartburn, aches, I am almost always tired, my right wrist aches 24/7 from carpal tunnel syndrome, and my right knee and my ankles decided to join in the fun with aching on and off, I guess when the mood suits them, they do it. But it's a never ending cycle. I haven't felt good since I was two weeks pregnant.

I had morning sickness something awful with this pregnancy, something I didn't have with my other two. It continued until a few weeks ago, and since then, I haven't thrown up or felt sick.

Also, this little bugger likes to push up on my lungs with her little feet. Sometimes it feels like the wind has been knocked out of me. I can't go up a flight of stairs without feeling like I just ran a race. The hot flashes are unreal! I don't like feeling hot or cold, I like feeling comfortable. So having a hot flash a few times a day and to have sweat pouring down from my forehead, is not a nice thing for me. Again, I never had these issues when I was pregnant with my other two children. I don't want to be pregnant again after this. I am done having children, really, I am! Not to mention that my 4 1/2 year old son and my almost 3 year old daughter have been giving me a run for my money, time, and patience these past eight months.

Oh, and my husband, I can't forget about him! He has been so patient and so kind. He did some grocery shopping for me yesterday so that I wouldn't have to take the kids out today and do it. It was really nice of him. Now, if I could just get him to give both kids a bath every two to three days, I'd be happier and feel much better. Giving the kids a bath hurts my back, stomach, hips, not to mention takes a toll on my patience when the kids don't want to listen to me ask them not to splash me. I have found that it's somewhat easier to give them a bath separately. But then it's twice the time in the bathroom, twice the water, and twice the back aches. I just can't win. Needless to say, I am not happy, but I will get through it. FIVE more weeks of this, and this little one will come out via c-section, since this will be my third c-section, we were able to schedule it. I am just hoping that this little baby girl doesn't want to come sooner. I wouldn't mind it, but we have NO ONE to watch our kids if she decides to come before July 13th. After that, she can come if she wants to!


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