Saturday, February 2, 2013

Low Entry Giveaways on Facebook... Yes or No?

I have had a few recent giveaways that you have to "LIKE" the Facebook page in order to enter the giveaway. If this interests you, please let me know. As I don't really like posting them, since you would have to LIKE the Facebook page in order to enter the giveaway.

So if you want me to post likes to them, please leave me a comment below saying "Yes" or "No." This way I will know what interests you! Thank you!


  1. I'd say yes as long as you can actually tell they are low entry.

  2. NO -
    Personally don't like the FB like contests

  3. Exactly, it is a choice. And most giveaways give you another entry for liking their FB pages anyway, so why not :)

  4. I think I agree with the first comment--as long as it really is low entry.

  5. yes please - but please note if they are for Canadians also :)

  6. No. I hate getting to a gaw and finding out that I must "like" them on facebook in order to enter. Since most votes seem to be in favor of you adding them, then I would encourage you to note in the listing that they require facebook "like". That will be helpful to those of us who are not interested in those types of gaws and we simply won't click on the link. Thanks for asking.

  7. For me, it depends on what the giveaway is for...If it is for something totally stupid then no.
