Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday (4/27) - $1.00 = Happiness

Daddy helping his baby girl put on her heart shaped bracelets that the Easter Bunny brought her in her basket. Aww...

Matthew had to wear a few of them too! (Future bribery photo!)
A pack of the four bracelets only cost $1.00 at Wal-mart in their birthday gift bag cheapy toys for sale. It's amazing, that the cheapest things are the ones the like and play with the most.


  1. So cute! It's amazing how that works out!

  2. definitely! I got the rings & necklaces in the same bins/store & my baby girls has been sporting them ever since! :)

    Lil girls love their fashion bling!

  3. It always makes me wonder why I even bother with the expensive stuff! :)
    She is super cute, BTW!
    We're following you now!

  4. Got to love a great gift that does not cost a fortune!
