Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I was just De-Friended...

So I thought that I made a friend through a woman that we will call "L." Her son and mine went to the same speech class once a week. She would say hello to me when she saw me and talk my ears off about this and that. I kindly listened. She spoke about our boys getting together for a play date and more things that I found interesting and wanted to learn more about.

So I got an email today on my Facebook page and it said this:

"I've been looking at my schedule, and honestly, I just don't have room for another friend! I hate to put it so bluntly, but I go months (literally) without seeing 2 of the 3 friends I have in (insert city here). I remember when I moved to (certain state) how lonely I was at home with a baby and how badly I wanted to meet people. It was so hard! Everyone already had a group and didn't seem interested in anyone new. I finally ended up getting involved with some local mom groups like La Leche League and MOPS. I also made some friends at storytime at the library. I know you also want Matthew to have as many social experiences as possible, and that's a great idea! You're a good mom. I just feel like I"m giving you false hope. I can barely hold my 5:15-10:30 schedule together as it is!"
Nice Huh?
I hope that everyone reading this is a better friend than this person. Why did she have to send the message to me on Facebook at all? If people don't talk to me, then that's fine. I usually take that as a hint that they don't want to be friends with me, and that is ok. There are some people that I don't want to be friends with sometimes too. But I would NEVER send them an email like that. I am honestly hurt.


  1. Cripes! Who does that?? :( That's so rude - I'm so busy that I don't have time to make a new friend. WOW.

  2. That's just wrong! Hang in there and know that you are better off not having a friend like that. She is the one who loses by not having your friendship so just let it roll off your back!


  3. wow sounds like shes one of those I better Than you kind of people. And if her nail breaks or hair blow out of place she is crying and complaining. Who Needs her. She Couldn't even be a woman and face you Wow sounds like a Child that never grew up. Excuse my venting but I Have been around people like that and GR-R-R-R-R

  4. Oh... I can do you one better! But you're right- that's pretty crappy. I mean, yay for honesty but sometimes you have to think about how the other person is going to feel too.

  5. Well, thank goodness she's NOT your friends... WHAT A (Insert curse word)!

    Ugghhh People Now a days are honestly too superficial...I'll be your friend! =]


  6. LOL! Can you say "egotistical"?!

  7. that's awful. but good riddance, she comes across as completely tactless and senseless and you don't need that kind of person in your life.

  8. Exactly what Alicia C. said. I think I would have seriously laughed at the message she sent. She's seriously deluded.

  9. oh wow. Yeah, count yourself lucky that she "de-friended" you before you really had to feel that vipers bite. ouch, seriously who does something like that???

  10. THAT is so stupid of her- HER loss- i hope you didnt show her your blog and her benefit from it and then again if you did- THEN she can read these ugly post people are posting about HER....Sounds like she is a SNOB and probalby has to have everything her way- which is totally not worth being friends with.

  11. I will be your Friend!! :)

    Honestly, you don't need people like that in your life. You have all of us -- we will be much nicer to you. LOL! :)

  12. Well she is wacked! You are better off without her. She sounds like she has "drama" going on! That is the last thing any of us need.

  13. I'm left here scratching my head at that one. Is she for real. She sounds like she thinks pretty highly of herself. OMG I would definitely not want a friend like that. Give me a good down to earth gal just like you! I think you are awesome!

  14. Yes, she was for real. I made sure to block her from my FB. I don't want a friend like that. Thank you for saying that I am down to earth. I try to be. Thank you Denise.

  15. Yikes. I am so shocked by the nerve of some people. What happened to having some class and what happened to being polite?!

  16. oh my gosh! who does that? all i can say is the air up there on mt Olympus must be very thin....her brain has obviously been affected....

    i'm so sorry you had to deal with this!
