Thursday, May 13, 2010

GREEN ways to get rid of Ants!

I read this article this morning in Ladies Home Journal and I thought it would be nice to share it, since for some reason, Ants love to come inside an invade our homes.

Things you might want to have on hand:
Maple Syrup & Borax (not to be used around pets or children)
Black Pepper
Cream of Wheat

Caulk visible cracks around the kitchen counters and under the sink. Sprinkle Cream of Wheat, indigestible (and lethal) to ants, along the room's perimeter. (I don't know if this means inside the house, or what, but to me, that would be messy. I would rather sprinkle it inside my cupboards around the food and also maybe some outside where ants are visible!)

Ants don't like to cross Chalk, Cinnamon, and ground black pepper. Or spray full-strength Vinegar near doors and windowsills.

You could also mix borax, a naturally occurring mineral that's toxic to ants, with a little maple syrup (avoid this method if you have pets or kids).

There's a book with these GREEN tricks in them called "1001 All-Natural Secrets to a Pest-Free Property." I don't like ants. I have freaked out on a few occasions when they have been crawling on me. I think that I might try the cream of wheat in our dogs kennel, they seem to want to try to get into their water from Spring to Autumn.


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