Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Today is National Milk Chocolate Day!


Today everyone can celebrate and share their love of Milk Chocolate! Today is National Milk Chocolate Day!!! Milk Chocolate was introduced in 1875 by Daniel Peter of Switzerland.

Did you know that 1.4oz. of milk chocolate only contains 210 calories? I think that I may just go purchase a milk chocolate bar today to help celebrate this awesome day! 92% of Americans, and my family and I, prefer milk chocolate over dark chocolate. Americans produce the most chocolate in the world, but the Swiss consume the most.

Check out this cool, short video on YouTube about Wonka Chocolates and get a sneak peak at their Secret Room! I checked it out, and it doesn't contain a virus or anything, so it's safe to watch!

Be on the lookout for upcoming Wonka Chocolate reviews and giveaway(s)!!!

Check out 50 Yummy and Delicious Chocolate Trivia Questions

Go to Wikipedia to brush up on your knowledge of the History of Chocolate!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the yummy reminder!! I love an excuse to have me some chocolate!! lol :)
