Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday (4/11) - Easter Fun!

I have friends who went WAY more overboard than I did. Their buckets were full though.

My sweet Chloe! She really enjoyed searching for eggs. This was her first real holiday understanding what was going on and what she needed to do. She is 2 1/2 now, and she is so much fun to hang out with and play with!

He took off running and picked up eggs quickly. We had to stop him so that Chloe could pick some up too. Of course, he ended up with most of the eggs full on M & M's, his favorite.

Their loot! 
(I put half of all their candy away and let them eat the other half. Matthew wasn't happy with me about this. But the kid had over one normal sized pack of M & M's, and sugar, makes him hyper.)


  1. Looks like a great easter and they had lots of fun!! Such cuties :) Thanks for linking up!


  2. They made out well.
    Sure is hard for the older ones to understand that they found an egg but can't pick it up because younger sibling needs a chance.

  3. Their baskets are adorable! Looks like they had a great Easter!

  4. Cute pail/baskets looks like everyone had a great time. Come link up to our WW we'd love to have you join us this week.

  5. Yummm looks like so much fun :)

    Thanks for linking up xo

  6. Each child fills a shoebox and puts it in the fridge ... then they get a piece for dessert each night!

  7. Looks like a great Easter! To solve our older kid snatching up all the eggs, we ended up telling her she had to find the one's with an M on them (for her first name). That way it evened it out and made it a bit more challenging for her.

  8. Bet they had a lot of fun!

    Happy WW from Jordyn @ The Green House!


  9. They look like they had fun. Hope you had a nice Easter!
