Disclosure: The Walmart gift cards and information have been provided by P&G.
Walmart and Pampers are donating $200,000 to CMNH in June of 2015! Visit Walmart.com/cmnh for more information and to make your own donation.
Information about Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals:
Walmart and Pampers are donating $200,000 to CMNH in June of 2015! Visit Walmart.com/cmnh for more information and to make your own donation.
Information about Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals:
- Your support helps provide 32 million patient visits for 10 million kids every year
- One in 10 kids in North America is treated by Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals each year
- Every day, member hospitals treat 16,000 children in emergency rooms
- Every hour, member hospitals provide surgery for 97 children
- U.S. members hospitals provided $3.4 billion in charity care in 2012
Meet Sophia, one of the many children who has been helped by the Children's Miracle Network!
When Sophia’s mother saw her through the school bus window, she knew something wasn’t right with her youngest daughter. Sophia had trouble descending the school bus steps, and by the time mom and daughter crossed the street and entered their home, Sophia’s face was drooping and she’d lost feeling and function on the left side of her body.
Sophia was whisked to Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at
Westchester Medical Center, where she was diagnosed with an abnormal tangle of
arteries and veins. Her brain was hemorrhaging and she needed emergency
neurosurgery to save her life.
Since that fateful autumn day in 2011, Sophia has undergone
a second neurosurgery to care for another malformation. Despite these challenges,
today she is doing well. She uses her own medical journey as inspiration for
other children and families facing similar circumstances. The way Sophia
sees the world, there’s always reason for hope and optimism.
Do you have a personal journey with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals that you want to share with others? Please post your story below so that others will know that there is help out there for their children through the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.
Enter below using the Rafflecopter form for a chance to win a $25 Walmart Gift Card from P&G, Walmart and the Children's Miracle Network!
shared FB https://www.facebook.com/lisa.brown.50364592/posts/10205710954485740?pnref=story
ReplyDeleteI have not had personal experience with them but do donate when I can.
ReplyDeleteI do not have a personal story, but I have donated to this wonderful charity CMN many times. They help so many kids!
ReplyDeleteI shared on Facebook. Thanks for this awesome giveaway. Link
I don't have a personal story to share, but I have donated to CMN a few times
ReplyDeletefb share https://www.facebook.com/amanda.sakovitz/posts/10207356132445608
ReplyDeleteI don't have a particular story either, but I also try to donate when I can
ReplyDeleteI have not had personal experience with them but I have donated in the past.
ReplyDeleteI do not have a personal story with Childrens Miracle Network Hospital. I have donated to them in the past and know they do so much for so many.
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rounder9834 @yahoo.com
facebooked https://www.facebook.com/nikki.p.smith.1/posts/1102909409721117
ReplyDeleteI have not had any experience with any of the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals but I have made donations .
ReplyDeleteI don't have any experience with them. It sounds like they're doing a lot of good in this world.
ReplyDeleteI don't have any personal experience but I do know CMN does a lot to help sick/hurt children.
ReplyDeleteI don't have any stories about the CMNH but I think it's great how many children they have helped out.
ReplyDeleteshared https://www.facebook.com/lisa.brown.50364592/posts/10205715329115103
I don't have anything to share regarding the Children's Miracle Network at this time.
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ReplyDeletewildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com
shared https://www.facebook.com/btjfarnham/posts/10205001267935352
ReplyDeleteI do not have any personal experience with CMN. I do donate to them every year.
ReplyDeleteI know they do great work. I do not have any personal stories to share.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
shared https://www.facebook.com/lisa.brown.50364592/posts/10205721613592211
ReplyDeletewildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com
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I do not have any experience with these hospitals but I am so very happy they are around to help children and families who need treatment and help.
ReplyDeleteshared https://www.facebook.com/lisa.brown.50364592/posts/10205728221037393
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I don't have a personal story but I know they do great work and help children.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a personal story but I think it's a great organization.
ReplyDeleteShared the link on FB https://www.facebook.com/julie.waldron.9237/posts/718322864946846
ReplyDeleteI don't have a personal story, but my husband works for a business that regularly donates to Children's Miracle Network.
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I shared on FB:
On FB https://www.facebook.com/nikki.p.smith.1/posts/1105184049493653
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rounder9834 @yahoo.com
Oh they were so good to my niece and her whole family. My niece was born too early and only weighed 1 pound 9 ounces. I remember from the pictures, my brothers wedding ring fit on her upper arm and still had lots of room. She was so tiny. They sure were miracle workers in her life...today she is 7 years old!
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rounder9834 @yahoo.com
This is the first I have read about them.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a personal story to share, but this is an organization I feel good about supporting.
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ReplyDeleteI would love to give my time to help - shaunie
ReplyDeletehttps://www.facebook.com/trabajardd/posts/691600570943933 - shaunie
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ReplyDeleteI always donate to the Children's Miracle Network and my twins where 2 months early but thank God we didn't have to use the Children's hospital but If we had I would of been thankful for it to be available if we had needed. sh27617@gmail.com.
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ReplyDeleteShared on Facebook - corrected link - https://www.facebook.com/bridget.laportamerker/posts/10153428726866250?pnref=story
ReplyDeleteI don't have any personal experiences, what a great organization sounds like
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My good friend growing up had Leukemia and Children's Hospital took good care of him.
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ReplyDeleteMy cousin's live was saved at Gillette Children's Hospital in St Paul MN>
ReplyDeletethank you
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rounder9834 @yahoo.com
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ReplyDeleteI don't have a story but I'm glad their is someone to take care of our children
ReplyDeleteI don't have any personal experience with them but I love what they do for children.
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I don't have a personal story but we do donate to them when the local grocery store is collecting each year!
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rounder9834 @yahoo.com
my son was born at 28 weeks and the CHildrens Miracle Network was there to help me and help my son; hes a whopping 16 year old now!
ReplyDeleteI have not had personal experience with them .
ReplyDeleteI haven't had any personal experience with them but I'm very grateful the network is there for those who need it! =)
ReplyDeleteShared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/lilahshea/posts/10205548670495137
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rounder9834 @yahoo.com